Friday, December 11, 2009

Herpes On Stomach Herpes On Stomach ?????

Herpes on stomach ????? - herpes on stomach

I have lots of blisters on the abdomen (below left) to tell my friends, the herpes ... Is this possible? Can I become infected with herpes in the stomach? If so, what should I do now? Herpes does not kill? And some home remedies ... TY.


peter said...

This is either 1 or 2 herpes virus or shingles do not die, but it
Pain in some of its phases

some resources
Ice 1.Apply rest
Many 2.drink cold water
3.Honey facilitate healing
4.toothpaste or dry salted
5.Tell him u0026lt Trojan condoms \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\; --- Baden feels like it O_O

lov... said...

It is rare to see inside you, I do not think that there may be only an irritation of the skin herpes. But the only way to know for sure is to get tested, call 866-RAP-it-up and request free testing centers in your area, and you do not know about their parents that their concerns of a stock.

No O said...

HAS NO NEXT TIME unprotected sex!

Rebekah said...

It could be herpes zoster, which is a form of herpes. You will not die of it, but please consult a physician.

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