Monday, February 1, 2010

Best Midi Controller For Traktor What Is Best Midi Controller To Control Traktor Transport Functions. As I Still Want To Use Normal Mixer?

What is best midi controller to control traktor transport functions. As i still want to use normal mixer? - best midi controller for traktor

I would like to be able Tractors 2.6 with MIDI data in the context of normal control dj set, saw BCD-3000, but have heard of complications with the installation. It includes the use of Numark TTX (kickass think art) and a Numark mixer that has a very important and feel and want to continue to use .. Like me, you've recently bought a house and have a beautiful young girl of 7 months, although the money is not spent on vinyl possible. Mp3 are cheap. M-Audio MIDI look pretty, but has the features I need and not enough that I do not .. For example, to synchronize well for the tone and the transportation does not, however, and loop buttons. all thoughts appreciated thank you


scramble... said...

In fact, the BCD3000 was included as a "tractor Ready", so there should be no concerns in this area. Vestax has launched the VCI-100, which is like the first truly dedicated controller tractor. Check it out here: ...

Personally, I used to use mouse and keyboard so that you can not make recommendations based on experience, but the NI forums ( ... have great resources for people have tried everything in the book.

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